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Find Childcare that works for your family

Child & Family Resources created a brand new Child Care Search site for Arizona families to easily find quality child care options throughout the state. Families can explore over 3,000 programs, allowing you to easily explore and compare options in one place.

Each listing is regularly updated by providers to ensure you have access to accurate and up-to-date information. Plus, you can reach out to programs directly through the site if you have questions or want to learn more about a specific program.

Find Child Care That Fits Your Needs

With the new Child Care Search site, you can filter results based on what matters most to your family, including:

  • Availability: View programs with current openings by age group
  • Pricing: Compare pricing to find options that fit within your budget
  • Hours of Operation: Search for programs with hours that align with your schedule
  • Quality Ratings: Browse programs based on quality ratings and accreditations
  • Special Needs: Find programs that support your family’s unique needs

Start exploring today and find childcare options that fit your family’s needs—at no cost to you.