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January 2025

Updates With the Latest at Child & Family Resources And Around Our Community

January is “Evolution of Self” Month.

January is Evolution of Self Month! It is finally 2025, and you know what that means: New Year, New Me! Or maybe this year we take that saying and turn it around. We are all growing, physically, emotionally, and mentally, and the only person we should ever have competition with is ourselves. The evolution of self makes you think about how thankful you are for yourself and what you have accomplished. And now what stands in front of you is: How can I become a better me?

There are many different ways to set yourself up with success, but the number one rule to that is, vulnerability. Really getting to know yourself to see what you truly desire and aspire to be, and what changes, boundaries, setbacks, and goals you have to obtain to get there.



Arizona Tax Credit Q&A Webinar

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
12 pm – 12:30 pm

with Lindsey Saul with Life in Balance Accounting CPAs, PLC& hosted by Child & Family Resources

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Contact our Development Team at or (520) 268-5377



Virtual Stress Reduction Workshop

  • Decrease Stress
  • Learn New Skills
  • Gentle Movements

brought to you by Trauma Informed Substance Abuse Prevention Program at Child & Family Resources


Master Your Mind,

Master Your Life:

Online Seminar

Thurs. Jan 2 or Tues. Jan 7 at 5PM

Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Create a Life You Love- Learn timeless principles to start living your life

with Christina Nevins



Tap & Bottle North

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 31

Tap & Bottle’s north location is hosting a family-friendly Noon Year’s Eve party with music from Mr. Nature and a balloon drop. Adults will get a complimentary champagne toast.

📍Tap & Bottle, 7254 N. Oracle Road


Park Place Noon Years Countdown

Dec 31
11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Complete with

  • a fashion show
  • family photos
  • a family dance party
  • dozens of interactive events including games and activities for younger kids
  • sparkling cider toast at noon, when the mall counts down to its balloon drop in center court.

📍Park Place Mall, 5870 E. Broadway


Taco Bell New Year’s Eve Downtown
Bowl Bash

Tues. Dec 31 from 6PM to Midnight

📍Downtown Tucson, 41 E. Congress St.


Robotics Workshop

Ages: 7-14
Sun. Jan. 5 at 11AM

📍Best Western Inn Suites Tucson Foothills Hotel & Suites
6201 North Oracle Road Tucson, AZ 85704


Immigrant Resource Fair

Sat. Jan. 11 from 1-3PM
Free Snacks and Books !

📍The Martha Cooper Library
1377 N Catalina Ave, Tucson, AZ 85712



Sat. Jan. 18, 2025 10AM-1PM

Children’s Museum Tucson’s transportation-themed event

📍Children’s Museum Tucson, 200 S. Sixth Ave.


Scholarship Opportunity!

for Arizona students who identify as Latino, Hispanic or Native American. 

In partnership with The Renaissance Foundation, Stand Arizona is offering a scholarship of $5,000 per year for four years, for a total of $20,000 for students who are the first members of their families to go to college!

Applications close February 1st. Find out more information on eligibility and how to apply.

Blooming Flowers🌼

Employee Highlights

And what a year we have had! Thank you for all the love and support and most importantly, thank you to our amazing team here at Child & Family Resources. Without you, our growth, persistence, and strive would be non-existent.
We are who we are because of you.
At Child & Family Resources, we build strong communities where children can reach their full potential. 2024 was filled with great success and we hope that our success grows and extends to further possibilities of helping families in any which way we can.

2025, see you soon!

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential