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Prevention Is Key to a Healthy, Happy Life

Prevention Programs for Youth are free and voluntary programs designed to teach parents, guardians, caregivers and youth how to navigate the world in a safe and healthy way. This is provided through a series of programs for ages 5 – adulthood. These programs include Prevention Programs for Youth, Substance Misuse Prevention Programs, Sexual Risk Avoidance Education and our brand-new Youth Mentoring Program

We’ve Organized a Variety of Programs

Our team runs all kinds of programs to better equip Arizona communities to live happily and healthily. Whether you need support educating your child about the dangers of drugs or you want to learn more about active parenting, we have resources for you. Child & Family Resources is inviting everyone to be a part of the following programs:

Substance Misuse Education & Prevention

Active Parenting Now

Active Parenting Now is for parents of children 5-12 years old. This program focuses on active parenting, cooperation and communication, responsibility, discipline, building courage, and self-esteem. Parents working in this program will learn to understand and redirect misbehavior and learn the skills of active parenting for school success. The overall goal of Active Parenting Now is to help parents prevent substance abuse by their children.
Contact Dannyell Harris
This program is not currently available, but is featured in Pima County as a part of the Parent’s Commission grant and can be offered for a fee in other locations.

Too Good for Drugs

The Too Good Program is a substance abuse prevention curriculum for grades 3 to 5. Through this workshop students will focus on setting reachable goals, making responsible decisions, identifying and managing emotions, communicating effectively and resisting peer pressure. Through age-appropriate content, the program aims to give students the skills needed to help prevent substance abuse.
Contact Dannyell Harris
This program is not currently available, but is featured in Pima County as a part of the Parent’s Commission grant and can be offered for a fee in other locations.

Marana Prevention Alliance (MPA)

Marana Prevention Alliance (MPA) Coalition’s mission is to reduce and prevent youth substance use in Marana through education, collaboration and engagement. The MPA works to train local partners (like Child & Family Resources) in evidence-based prevention practices, educate community members and youth, change local policies, and implement sustainable practices using the Strategic Prevention Framework model.
MPA offers the following curricula, Too Good for Drugs and Thrive Education, free to K-12th grade students within Marana.
This program is featured in Pima County Drug-Free Communities grant (DFC).

Trauma-Informed Substance Abuse Prevention Program (TISAPP)

Addresses opioid and prescription drug misuse by offering free Rx 360 Substance Misuse and Naloxone trainings for parents and community members. Education on ways to protect youth against prescription drug misuse, why youth misuse prescription drugs, and what steps parents can take to protect their youth. These trainings come with free medication locking bags, Deterra deactivation kits (needs to be removed), and a box of nasal spray Narcan for those interested. Stay tuned for our bi-annual screening of HBO’s documentary Warning: This Drug May Kill You which highlights the devastating effects of the opioid epidemic in the U.S.TISAPP offers the One Hour Wellness series using breathing and gentle movement to reduce stress and increase resiliency as a protective factor against substance misuse. For more information contact Erin Yager-DeConcini

Building Thriving Communities

This program works to reduce substance use/misuse in youth and families throughout Southern Tucson. The Keep a Clear Mind curriculum is offered to area schools at no charge and focuses on teaching students and their parents/guardians about alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and the importance of making good choices. Free workshops that focus on preventing the use/misuse of alcohol, cannabis, prescription drugs, and fentanyl are also available in English and Spanish for those who live, work and play in the community.
Contact Jenn Theis

Empowering Families

The Empowering Families program will serve parents/caregivers of youth up to 16 years old and youth up to 18 years old. (Triple P stops at age 16, but youth can attend prevention workshops and participate in our Youth Advisory Council until age 18). Our overall goal is to enhance parental involvement and increase education about the serious risks and public health problems caused by the use/misuse of alcohol and controlled substances throughout Pima County. We also aim to identify and address the root cause of substance use/misuse and prevent teen self-medication among youth by providing families with the tools needed to understand and support emotional/psychological challenges. Program staff will facilitate evidenced based curricula, Triple P Parenting to parents/caregivers, host prevention planning workshops (ie; Healthy Communication, Suicide Prevention, App Chat), attend community events to share prevention resources throughout the county. Programming can be offered virtually or in person.
Contact Empowering Families

Sexual Health Education

Guy Talk

Guy Talk is an free evidence-based program where male-identified youth in high school learn about healthy masculinity, sexual and reproductive health, and healthy relationships while playing games and winning prizes!
Contact Karely Bustamante

Go Grrrls

This workshop is geared toward female identified girls in grades six through eight and focuses on numerous topics such as pregnancy prevention, making healthy choices, sound decision[1]making, positive self-esteem and healthy relationships all while playing games and earning prizes.
Contact Jenny Cox
This program is not currently available can be offered for a fee in Pima County..

Empowering Youth Program

Empowering Youth is a free evidence-based program for youth ages 12-19. Our curriculum “Love Notes” is comprehensive relationship education, covering topics such as healthy relationships, communication, boundaries, goal setting, and avoiding risks of sexual activity.
Contact Angela Krause


READY4Life is a free evidence-based program for youth in middle school. This program uses the Relationship Smarts Plus curricula, a relationship education program, where youth can build skills and knowledge in avoiding risky behaviors. Topic include empowerment through self-awareness, building heathy relationships, communication, dating violence prevention and so much more. All they need to know to plan for a future of success while having fun with their peers.
Contact Jenny Cox
Contact Jenny Cox

Youth Mentorship


Youth Mentoring Program

The Youth Mentoring Program provides mentoring services to Department of Child Safety (DCS) referred youth between the ages of 8-17 that reside in Arizona. The program aims to connect DCS involved youth with a mentor that will support them through the significant changes they are experiencing in their everyday life, while also helping the youth see and reach their full potential with the help of positive role models.
Contact Dannyell Harris
We are not currently accepting mentors, but volunteering opportunities are available within Prevention Programs for Youth.

Support In Part Comes From


We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential