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Thank you so much for your interest in creating a fundraiser for Child & Family Resources! Your willingness to go the extra mile and create a personalized fundraising page for CFR will make a huge difference in helping them achieve their mission. So, thank you once again for your dedication and generosity.

To get started with your JustGiving account and create a fundraiser for CFR, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the link to create your JustGiving account.
  2. Select “Start Fundraising” to create your own fundraising page for CFR.
  3. Choose the type of fundraising you are doing – whether it’s in memory of someone, for an occasion, or simply because you want to support CFR.
  4. Set a fundraising goal if you have one, and personalize your page with your own story of why you support CFR.
  5. Share your fundraiser with your friends and family on social media, via email or even challenge them to start their own fundraisers.

By following these steps, you can create a personalized fundraising page for CFR and start raising funds to support our mission!

Do you have any questions or need further assistance? Our development team is here to help and happy to assist you! Feel free to reach out via email at or give us a call at 520-268-5377.

Looking for inspiration to kickstart your peer-to-peer fundraising journey with us?

Look no further! Delve into our success stories below to fuel your passion and see the impact you can make by joining our cause

Meet Jayden and Emma: A Journey of Resilience and Family Bonding

Jayden’s story is a testament to the transformative impact of love, support, and dedication within our Healthy Families program.

When Jayden’s mother, struggling with addiction, initially enrolled in Healthy Families, hopes were high for a fresh start. However, challenges arose, and the journey took an unexpected turn. Emma, Jayden’s maternal grandmother, stepped in with unwavering positivity and determination.

Under Emma’s guidance, Jayden thrived, benefiting from consistent routines and positive values. Recognizing the importance of a supportive community, Emma sought advice and made tough decisions, such as changing Jayden’s daycare, to ensure his well-being.

As time passed and family dynamics shifted, Emma emerged as Jayden’s main caregiver, fostering a strong bond built on trust and love. Despite the absence of his parents due to incarceration, Jayden found stability and support within his maternal family circle.

Today, Jayden has graduated from Healthy Families, and Emma is in the process of formally adopting him, cementing their bond as family. Their story is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of familial love to overcome obstacles and build a brighter future.

Curious to learn more about our success? Click the link below to dive deeper into our achievements and impact!

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential