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Help protect Arizona’s children and families by donating during Arizona’s Largest Philanthropic Day

Arizona Gives Day is an annual giving movement uniting nonprofits, big and small, new and established, with all missions and backgrounds, to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Arizona through online giving. The event helps raise awareness about the critical role Child & Family Resources plays in our community and inspires people to give generously, creating a thriving and stronger Arizona for all.

Because Arizona Gives Day falls during Child Abuse Prevention Month this year, we are uniting philanthropic forces and highlighting Child Abuse Prevention as the pinnacle of reasons to donate or participate socially on Arizona Gives Day.

Using this toolkit, you have the power to share our mission with a wider audience. When you share our content, you are allowing us the potential to reach families whose lives would improve with the help of our programs.

Your contribution supports our cause of Protecting Children; Building Strong Communities during April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year, we have received a generous donation of $10,000 with the hope to match it by April 30!

On April 2, share Child & Family Resources with your family, friends, and colleagues, or give to match our anonymous early donation!

Social Media Images
Simply click, right click, save as and upload onto your social media platform alongside our posts above! This is the easiest way to help us reach potential donors and spread our message far and wide.

Sample Social Media Posts
Simply copy and paste these posts into your social media platform! This is the easiest way to help us reach potential donors and spread our message far and wide.

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Have you heard about Child & Family Resources? They provide free and sustainable education to families, youth and caregivers, which allows for thriving and happy Arizonans! This #ArizonaGivesDay, Child & Family Resources is highlighting the importance of Child Abuse Prevention, which is a daily task! To make your tax deductible donation or to learn more, visit


Child & Family Resources has been waging the battle on child abuse through effective prevention and education strategies for young families, teens and childcare providers at no cost for over 50 years! Letโ€™s keep it going for another 50! #ArizonaGivesDay #ChildFamilyResources

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Itโ€™s #ArizonaGivesDay and I am supporting Child & Family Resources in their efforts to eradicate child abuse in Arizona. You can support this noble cause too! Visit and donate today! Donations can even be applied to your 2024 taxes! #ChildFamilyResources


We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential.

We build strong communities where children can reach their full potential