Honoring Gabe Zimmerman – The 2015 Triple Crown
Gabe Zimmerman, one of the people killed in the tragic shooting on January 8, 2011, was a Child & Family Resources board member and a wonderful advocate for children and families. To honor Gabe, his father Ross, who now serves on our board of directors, and the organizers of Southern Arizona Roadrunners created the Gabe Zimmerman Triple Crown, a series of three-run/walk events.
“If we can walk or run three miles in a hot summer night or get around the Saguaro loop, the ups and downs of daily life are certainly manageable. If we can climb A-Mountain, we can rise to our other challenges. Our goal is to celebrate Gabe and motivate the community to aspire to individual and collective greatness–-to work alone and work with others towards those goals we find valuable. To celebrate living, community, and goodwill. To live with love, to live with a passion to chase dreams.” ~ Southern Arizona Roadrunners
Supporting Wellness
In honor of Gabe’s commitment to children and families, Arizona Roadrunners donates $10 from any registration for the Triple Crown to Child & Family Resources. This year, the community raised over $8,000! We use the funds here at Child & Family Resources to support the health and wellness programs in our offices.
Team CFR
We had a great team of staff members participating at all three stages of the 2015 Triple Crown. We joined the kick-off close to home with the wonderful Meet Me Downtown 5k Night Run/Walk on May 30th. We enjoyed the wonderful weather of the Saguaro National Park Labor Day 8-Miler & 5k on May 30th. And we were so pleased to joins so many other walkers and runners at the closing Get Moving Tucson Half-Marathon Event featuring TMC A-Mountain Half-Marathon, Tucson Lifestyle 5k, and Cox Charities 1-mile, on October 25th.
Special Thanks
At each event, we were honored to have our board member Ross Zimmerman bring the passion and spirit that Gabe brought to our organization.

Thank you to Randy Acetta for his tireless work on the three great races of the Triple Crown. Thank you for keeping Child & Family Resources at the heart of these events.
Thank you to Southern Arizona Roadrunners for bringing health, wellness, and fun to our city. If you haven’t yet, check them out and get involved in all the fun runs and serious races. Visit them at www.azroadrunners.org
Special thanks to all the runners/walkers who registered and contributed to the great donation to Child & Family Resources.
Join Us Next Year
Stay tuned to the Triple Crown page on the Southern Arizona Roadrunner’s page to find the races for 2016. We look forward to seeing you at the races!