Parents as Teachers Program Continues to Serve Families

The Parents as Teachers program provides in-home family support and parent education to help parents promote child development. The Hernandez family has been enrolled in the program in Phoenix since February 2019. Although they’ve been in the program for only a few months, their child has already made huge improvements; not only in his social skills but also in his fine motor skills. A big part pf the progress they’ve made comes from the parenting skills that Ms. Hernandez has learned.
Ms. Hernandez was able to attend one of the group connections at the library for story time. Since then, they have continued to go on their own every Tuesday. She tells us that since attending the group connection at the library, she has seen her child become more engaged with other children his age. Ms. Hernandez also reported that since completing the developmental screenings, she has become more aware of her son’s academic delays. Being aware of the delays, she said, made her get into high gear and helped her son gain those vital, age-appropriate academic skills, like cutting skills and color recognition. She even purchased an activity online to help her child with fine motor skills, color and number recognition. Thanks to what Ms. Hernandez has learned, her son is now well on the way to academic success!
Through prevention, intervention, and education, your support helps children like this reach their full potential.